About Open Space
Who founded Open Space?
Beth and Alden Phelps, two great puppeteers and artists.
How old is Open Space?
We were officially founded in July of 1989.
Where is Open Space?
We are currently located at 16 Hanover Road, Reisterstown MD 21136.
Do you guys still use puppets?
We try. We are not as big on puppeteering any more but we still do love to dig back to our roots and use the occasional giant paper mache head.
What kind of events do you do?
We have two major shows: our winter show, which is a published play, and our Summer Playwright's Festival, which showcases original work. During the school year we have coffee houses showcasing our companies, as well as other fundraisers, such as our annual swing dance and movie night.
How do i find out about these events?
You can like our facebook page, or add your email to our mailing list (which you can do on the home page). We also have a snail mail list. We send out mailing typically twice a year. If you prefer this method, please email us your address at openspaceartsmd@gmail.com.
Who works at Open Space?
We are run by 100% volunteers.
What’s up with your building?
Our building is over 100 years old and is definitely in need of some tender loving care. We’ve been working to try and make her look nice but we need all the help we can get. If you would be interested in helping us we would love you forever. Contact us at openspaceartsmd@gmail.com.
I have something to donate. Would you like it?
We are always happy to accept goods as donation. Contact us at openspaceartsmd@gmail.com.
Attending a Summer Event
Where can I park?
You can park along the street or behind the Karen Sach’s dance building.
What does suggested donation mean?
As a non profit, we do not technically charge admission. We would love it, however if you could support us by giving us the full suggested donation. Our income is based solely on individual donations and the admission we get from events.
I’m going to an outdoor event. What should I bring?
We would suggest you bring bug spray. The bugs at Open Space are a little vicious. You are welcome to bring lawn chairs but we do have some metal chairs for your use. You also can bring food.
What happens if it rains?
Unfortunately, summer does bring storms, but we usually wait till fifteen minutes before curtain to cancel a show due to weather. We have even performed in light rain before. So if you don’t mind getting a little wet, we would recommend that you come anyway. If a show gets canceled because of rain, we cannot refund your money, but we can give you a voucher for another performance or another event.
Do you sell tickets in advance?
No, only at the door.
Do you take credit cards?
Yes, for our shows we do accept cards. However, we do have to charge a 4% credit card fee.
Do you sell ads for your programs?
Yes, we do. We also welcome any businesses or individuals that would like to sponsor us. If you are interested please contact us at openspaceartsmd@gmail.com.