We are filling in holes from our over 25 year long history. If you are an alum of OSA and have pictures, or any information about the shows we did, please email us at openspaceartsmd@gmail.com.
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Elizabeth Salazar, a radio play adapted from the novel by Baroness Orczy
Voice Direction by Anna Dyke, Angela Wright, and Alex Moore
Foley Direction by Anna Dyke and Jonathan Morthole
As You Like It by William Shakespeare
Directed by Angela Wright and Jessica Horn
Dracula by Elizabeth Salazar, a radio play adapted from the novel by Bram Stoker
Voice Direction by Anna Dyke and Jessica Horn
Foley Direction by Anna Dyke and Angela Wright
Robin Hood by Larry Blamire
Directed by Angela Wright
Summer Playwrights Festival 2019 - "Age of Wisdom"
Produced by Elora Maisenhelder and Paris Brown
Alexander the Great by James C. Ferguson - Directed by Alec Weinberg
I Wonder, If Not For You by Ali McIntosh - Directed by Angela Wright and Avery De Bow
Ghost Light by Greg Cunningham - Directed by Anna Dyke
Memory Card by Connie Schindewolf - Directed by Ali McIntosh
Amusing Willie by Donald Loftus - Directed by Shelton Hall and Paris Brown
Low Tide by Allie Costa - Directed by Jessica Horn, Assistant Director Christopher Horn
In Her Golden Years by Steven Korbar - Directed by Jessica Horn, Assistant Director Chrisy Shawkey
The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie
Directed by Angela Wright
Summer Playwright's Festival 2018 - "Nightmares and Daydreams"
Produced by Angela Wright and Elora Maisenhelder
Andromeda by Katie Ganem - Directed by Elora Maisenhelder and Angela Wright
A Case of Anxiety by Mark Harvey Levine - Directed by Elora Maisenhelder (Assistant Director Paris Brown)
Abby & Ksenia & The Monster by Matthew Weaver - Directed by Paris Brown (Assistant Director Sharon Saroff)
An Invisible Tan by Rick Davis - Directed by Eric Boelsche
The Exchange by Angela Wright - Directed by Avery De Bow (Assistant Director Charlie Saroff)
Knight Mare and Nightmare by Avery De Bow - Directed by Angela Wright (Assistant Director Daniel Morthole)
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Directed by Angela Wright
Summer Playwright's Festival 2017 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
Produced by Elora Maisenhelder and Angela Wright
Reflection by Katie Ganem - Directed by Elora Maisenhelder
And Twice on Sunday by Brad Sytsma - Directed by Salone Barry
Warrior Princess Shelby and the Magic Dice by Katie Smith - Directed by Avery De Bow (Assistant Director Chloe Heles)
Mystery on the Mat by Will Dalrymple - Directed by Anna Dyke
Tricks and Treats by Ken Preuss - Directed by Angela Wright (Assistant Director Max Jett-Parmer)
The Other Side by Max Strasnick-Kelly - Directed by Charlie (Assistant Director N.J. Saroff)
Music of the Mind by Allie Costa - Directed by Ali McIntosh
Fake it Til You Bake It by Jeff Vernier - Directed by Chloe Heles
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Corey Wilmarth
Directed by Elora Maisenhelder
Summer Playwright's Festival 2016 - "Topsy Turvy"
Produced by Ava Weintzweig and Delaney Hagy
Little Red and the Quest with Many Sons by Lindsay Carpenter, Directed by Ava Weintzweig
Memento Murray by Christopher Lockheardt, Directed by Delaney Hagy
The Tunnel by Katie Ganem, Directedby Nat Saroff
The Beautiful Ogre and Other Fairy Tales by Dwayne Yance, Directed by Angela Wright
Janet, Norman, and the Monster by Matt Hanf, Directed by Alex Wynd
Around and Back by Phi Kurtze, Directed by Elora Maisenhelder
A Dog Dreams by Jeffrey Fischer-Smith, Directed by Eric Boelsche
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
Directed by Katie Ganem
Summer Playwright's Festival 2015 - "Heroes and Legends"
Produced by Claire Ganem
Amazing Anna by Katie Ganem, Directed by Claire Ganem
Dakota by Jack Dyville, Directed by Will Dalrymple
Do it for the Vine by Amy Ranker, Directed by Emma Dunbar
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow by Ron Frankel, Directed by Claire Ganem
Storms, Sheets, and Show Tunes by Stacey Lane, Directed by Laney Davis
The Magnificent Malware by Thomas J. Mascura, Directed by Elora Maisenhelder
Ed the Ultimate and Bob the Invincible: Earth's Last Inhabitants by Matthew Konkel, Directed by Ava Weintzweig
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
Directed by Katie Ganem
Summer Playwright's Festival 2014 - "Lost and Found"
Produced by Claire Ganem
Babraham Lincoln by Kiara Alexander, Directed by Katie Ganem
The Secret Society of Secret Keeping by Emily Smith, Directed by Avery De Bow
The Birthday Letters by Pete Koziar, Directed by Claire Ganem
The Power of Words by Nat Saroff, Directed by Justin Allison
Lupunando the Magnificent by Katie Ganem, Directed by Claire Ganem
The Sweetest Seafarer by Chris De Bow, Directed by Emily Doll
Where's My Phone? by Steven Gross, Directed by Elora Maisenhelder
Summer Playwright's Festival 2013 - "Choose Your Own Adventure"
Produced by Claire Ganem, Alex Dalrymple, Emily Doll
Freedom by Kiara Alexander, Directed by Claire Ganem
Two Sidekicks in Search of a Leader by Avery De Bow, Directed by Chris Cooper
The Tale of the Muddy Spoon by Nat Saroff, Directed by Katie Ganem
Carried Away by Katie Ganem, Directed by Claire Ganem
Choose Your Own! by Max Tucker, Directed by Lauren Rudin
The Sound of the Watch by Joey Posner, Directed by Katie Ganem
The World's Most Exciting Adventure by Katie Smith, Directed by Emily Smith
Summer Playwright's Festival 2012 - "Surprise and Mystery"
Produced by Katie Ganem
Frog Stew by Andrew Perry, Directed by Katie Ganem
The Garden Dragon by Shirley King, Directed by Katie Ganem
Surprise! by Katie Ganem, Directed by Chris Cooper
Late Autumn by Will Dalrymple, Directed by Robert Bond
David Davis, Ace Detective, and the Case of the Missing Forks by Madelaine Gaw, Directed by Lauren Rudin
When the Moon Caught Up with the Sun by Phi Kurtze, Directed by Lauren Rudin
Summer Playwright's Festival 2011 - "Found Objects"
Produced by Katie Ganem and Phi Kurtze
The Elephant in the Room by Phi Kurtze, Directed by Katie Smith
Tuscaloosa Confidential by Jill Montone, Directed by Katie Ganem
The Dream and the Dragon by Will Dalrymple, Directed by Alec Weinberg
The Troupe by Katie Ganem, Directed by Lauren Rudin
Old Goldilocks and the Two Bears by Susan Middaugh, Directed by Katie Smith
A Guide for the Care and Use of Genies by Lauren Rudin, Directed by Rena Brault
The Truth is Spiders by Brett Englar, Directed by Katie Ganem
Summer Playwright's Festival 2010 - "Freedom"
Produced by Katie Ganem and Phi Kurtze
Edward's Penelope by Iris Addi, Directed by Katie Ganem
The Reward by Christin Dicker, Directed by Alex Weinberg
Shells by Katie Ganem, Directed by Lucy Walker
Escape from Literary Prison by Max Tucker, Directed by Lauren Rudin
The Great Molasses Flood by Katie Smith, Directed by Katie Ganem
Summer Playwright's Festival 2009 - "Summer"
Directed and Produced by Annelise Montone and Diane Appel
Of Green Fields and Gas Stations by Brent Englar
Hickman, Bickman, and Hoffsteader by Jill Montone
The Violin Astronomer by Jacqueline Bosworth
Atropa Belladonna by Annelise Montone
Le Carnival by Katie Ganem and Amy Eskins
Slide by Kathy Welsh Smith and Katie Smith
The Day the Apple Fell on the Path by Annelise Montone
Directed by Annelise Montone and Diane Appel
Same Time, Next Year by Bernard Slate
Directed by Annelise Montone and Diane Appel
The Nightingale Dream by Annelise Montone
Directed by Annelise Montone and Diane Appel
The Stained Glass Phoenix by Annelise Montone
Directed by Annelise Montone and Diane Appel
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
Directed by Julie Borsetti
Doctor Dolittle
Directed by Nina Knoche
James and the Giant Peach
Directed by Julie Borsetti
The Taming of the Shrew
Directed by Neal J. Freeman
Winnie the Pooh
Directed by Beth Phelps
Directed by Neal J. Freeman
Great Doings Day
Produced by Alden Phelps
She Stoops to Conquer
Directed by Neal J. Freeman
Great Doings Day
Produced by Alden Phelps
Love's Labor's Lost
Directed by Neal J. Freeman
Great Doings Day
Produced by Alden Phelps
Much Ado About Nothing
Directed by Neal J. Freeman
Great Doings Day
Produced by Alden Phelps
The Hobbit
Directed by Neal J. Freeman (?)
Arthur, Cycle of the King
Directed by Neal J. Freeman
Great Doings Day
Produced by Alden Phelps